Great Game - Frustrating Errors
First off, I must say I find this game to be ridiculously fun and addicting- but in a very abusive relationship type of way. I have watched baseball from as early as I can remember, but i dont consider myself to be any kind of baseball genius. If you are patient and receptive this game can teach you more things about baseball in three days than you could gather in years. Unfortunately the game makers don’t supply much helpful material to help you with the gameplay, which hopefully will change, but even a basic understanding of the game of baseball can chug you along. You’ll find yourself googling the slew of alphabet soup acronyms for stats you never even knew existed and can now never live without. It allows you to submerse yourself in endless worlds either historical, present or if you know what you’re doing completely of your own making. However, gameplay can be as slow or as fast you want it to be- for me it’s painstakingly slow but rewarding. I think to go batter by batter each scheduled game takes me about 45 minutes (this includes sitting there for quite some time to make changes to lineups, pitchers etc.), and I am noticing this time gets shorter the more I know what I am doing. Not for the faint of heart or the person looking for a high level time killer. This game will make you wake up in the middle of night worrying if you’re using the right pitching strategy, or why you just can’t seem to pull off nine innings against a certain team- this game will kill you with a thought.
Because of how involved you will get with this game you will find a series of things that are as frustrating as I did.
1. The game screen doesnt seem to know how to position itself cleanly on your screen. I have a 13” Retina and I find myself getting in areas where fonts are running on top of itself or getting cuttoff- just enough to be undesirable to the eyes but not necessarily inhibiting to the game.
2. The game does crash… you’ll find yourself bitting your nails over a tie game for 4 innings, get a 2 run HR only to have the game crash on you. When this happens you can only start from your last save. Which if you’re like me it can be anywhere from the beginning of the game you just played or the beginning of the 4 game series you were being destroyed in anyway- but still this is beyond frustrating.
3. A full screen mode. I feel like I am always wanting a far more submersive atmosphere out of the game, but no your dock will be ever present and so will the reminder that as you manage your fictitious baseball team to glory the notifications for emails, imessages, and other things indicate the continuing spin of the real world outside your window.
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OOTP Baseball 16